Winter Haven, FL, USA on the 8th of January, 1996, at 12:38pm
By Julie W
On that particular day, in the early hours of morning, we received a very early but expected surprise!
My husband and I had been blessed with one daughter and were expecting our second daughter at the end of January.
We had some wonderful friends who offered to take care of our oldest when the second was born. January 7th, 1996 was one of the coldest nights in recorded history in central Florida. Ice on the roads, wind chills, and widespread frost. We spent a few hours covering delicate plants to protect them from the freeze. Also, our generous "babysitting" friends were packing for a ski vacation and leaving on the 8th.
About 2:00 in the morning of January 8th our three-year-old woke up crying. We sat with her for a little while and she fell asleep.
Not much longer after that, and being very pregnant, I had to use the restroom. Very typical of a person in my condition! Well, it turned out to be much more than that! The doctor said to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. We bundled up our oldest and stopped, we had no place for her to go.
Thankfully about 3:30am a very tired friend, agreed to let our daughter stay with her. Then we were off to the hospital about 4:30am.
I remember it being a crystal clear sky, full of stars. The morning proceeded smoothly, with no issues or problems. The nurse woke me up (guess I needed a nap) and said it was time.
We looked at each other and both started crying tears of joy, as we were about to be blessed again.
January 8th, 1996, 12:38 pm.