Travis AFB, Fairfield, CA, USA on the 15th of January, 2011, at 4:00pm
By B. G
My (now husband) and I met each other in a class at the gym on base. At the time of this walk, we had exchanged phone numbers two days before and had agreed to meet up on base at 4pm and go on a walk, just continuing to get to know each other.
We both had expected that wed grab some Starbucks and go on a short walk, but we ended up walking and talking for FOUR HOURS!
On that walk is when I realized that he was the one, somehow I knew that we would be married, have children, die old together.
A few days later, he told me, "I know I should probably tell you this in person but when we went on that walk, by the end of it, I knew that you are my soulmate."
So it will forever be one of the happiest and most special moments in our lives, when we simultaneously saw what the universe had made for us ♡