Toluca de Lerdo, Méx., México on the 17th of November, 2018, at 9:09pm
By José M G
Ok, so this starts way before the date on my Star Map. I had been having dreams about someone who was supposed to be my soulmate. I had some tarot readings, dreams and every other kind of signal pointing towards someone with very specific characteristics. I knew I was supposed to meet them on November 16th, so I made everything possible to have November 16th completely free.
A week earlier, a guy I'd been talking to on fb asked me out on Nov 16th; stupid me said no because that day I was supposed to meet The One, but I told him that we could meet the next day (am I dumb or what?)
Either way, we ended up going on a date on November 17th and when I first saw him, I knew it was him. Being with him felt so familiar and so comfortable. A few weeks later we became a couple.
Fast forward to the present day: we recently got engaged and are planning our wedding. I bought the Star Chart to decorate our new appartment and everything is great!