Tampa, FL, USA on the 14th of February, 2018, at 7:00pm
By Vernon M
Well about a month before this special moment happened, I came in contact with this girl (Sam).
Now, I didn’t expect to befriend her or start to like her for more than a friend but as the time went by we quickly became close, we talk every day and all day about our future or what’s going on in our lives right now and it was crazy cause I felt like I could be myself around her and I was able to open up to her about any- and everything.
So it’s now February and it’s about a couple of days away from Valentine’s Day and we’re talking about how we’re spending it and if we got each other anything. I wasn’t expecting anything because we just met. But as the saying goes, expect the unexpected. She made me Valentine’s gift. I never ask or expect anyone to get me any gift for any holiday or special occasion but she did. A person that I just met so as that happened she invited me to come to hang out with her and her friends on Valentine’s Day and of course I agree cause this would’ve been the first time we see each other in person and I’d finally get to meet this wonderful person I’ve been talking to for a month.
So the day comes I’m rushing out of school to change to go meet her and of course I didn’t get her anything, so I had to improvise or last minute gift shop, so I picked up a couple of things she told me she liked and then I drove over to Tampa to meet her and her friends...
I made it to Tampa a little early so I sat at a gas station trying to calm myself and get myself right cause even though we talked and got close in the last month, I was still nervous to meet her in person.
When I finally calmed down I met her and her friends at the fair we hugged and exchanged gifts and went into the fair and enjoyed each other’s company.
It was kind of a really great moment to meet someone that kept a smile on my face without even seeing me or me seeing them.