Stephen C Foster State Park, 17515 GA-177, Fargo, GA 31631, USA on the 6th of October, 2018, at 10:30pm
By Brenden H
The reason I got this was because the girl I have a crush on are both in an astronomy club at the university we attend, and every semester they go camping so we are away from city lights. It was our first semester there and they were going camping and she was really excited to go because:
a) she had never been camping before, and
b) she had never seen many stars in the sky before. While I, on the other hand, being a guy from rural Iowa had seen a lot of stars all the time. So me being the guy willing to do anything for a girl I like agreed to go with her.
The first night was cloudy so we couldn't see much. Besides the stars, we were there to just have a good time and one of the things the campground offered was canoeing. We spent about an hour on the river and had a blast. Later that night after playing more games and stuff at around 9:30 or 10pm we realized the stars we starting to come out. After waiting some more we could see quite a few and walked to a parking lot to see more. Once we got there we just sat on the ground and looked at the stars for a while.
The reason I got this, however, was so she could remember the great time we had and how beautiful the stars were that night.