Salt Lake City, UT, USA on the 6th of November, 2018, at 2:00pm
By Annalena G
On the 6th of November, 2018, at 2:00pm I left the airport of Salt Lake City and walked over to a couple holding up a sign that said: “Welcome Annalena!”.
It was my first time in the US and everything was so new for me, coming from a small country like Germany. This couple, my host parents, welcomed me with open arms and loving hearts. I spent the best 3 months of my life with them and now they are my family.
This day changed my life, I changed so much and I wouldn’t wanna miss a second of my experience there. On that day, I met my new family. I miss them every day, I will return one day and reunite with them.
For now, there is a star map hanging in their house, reminding them every day how important they are to me and that I consider them my family.
I think of you all the time. <3