Rockwall, TX, USA on the 13th of June, 2017, at 10:00pm
By Isai V
My wife and I met online in December of 2011.
It was a coincidental meeting of chance. We quickly became friends and began emailing each other every day. We moved from emails to phone calls, to texting, to Facetiming.
Eventually, in June of 2012, we planned to meet. She lived in Texas and I lived in California. She flew to meet me on June 11th, and two days later we decided we would try long distance. It was the most difficult time of our lives, but we never gave up. We would fly back and forth twice a year. We were two full-time students with full-time jobs, trying to make this work.
In March of 2015, I took a leap and moved to Texas. I became a part of the family, and we began to build our life together. I knew that if I made the move, I was going to marry her.
June 13th was our 5th Anniversary. I recreated our first date in Texas. Same restaurant, same booth.
We were killing time before we went back home, I suggested we go watch a movie. Back at the house, my soon-to-be sisters-in-law had rigged up a hard-drive to the living room television to play a slideshow I created, and our song "Wait For Me" by Theory of a Deadman, dubbed over it. My sisters-in-law couldn't figure it out, so in order to make sure they had ample time, we went to the movies. On our way back, there was a power outage at the house and nothing was working. As we pulled in the power came back on, the slideshow started, rose petals and candles lit through the living room, leading to the living room television with the pictures from our first meeting and first conversation, leading up to this moment.
I proposed that night at 10:00pm, with my in-laws hiding in their room. The house was filled with tears of joy and laughter and giddiness and love. Our wedding was March 31st of 2018. Unfortunately, since everyone was hiding, there were no pictures of the engagement, or proposal.
But, since we spent a lot of our times looking at the stars in Los Angeles and during some tepid Texas nights. This is a beautiful reminder of the night. I couldn't be happier for it.