Your Stories

We are Under Lucky Stars, we make beautiful star maps showing the alignment of the stars in a place and date chosen by you. Everyone has that special moment in their life that is worth making into a star map. We asked you to tell us about yours.

This is one of our favorites stories.

Plymouth, UK on the 9th of May, 2018, at 8:46pm


A story by Cal H at Plymouth, UK on the 9th of May, 2018, at 8:46pm

So, on the 9th of May, I met my boyfriend for the first time in years, quite funny actually as he stepped out in front of my car and I nearly hit him.

But I bought the star chart for our anniversary and we both are in love with astronomy and the stars. Neither of us had it easy with relationships in the past but when we met it felt like it was meant to be.
I wished on every shooting star for us to meet and become something great... and we did!

Published on June 13, 2019, 2:55 pm

Read the rest of the stories here.


What's your special moment?
Design your own star map here