Oswego, IL, USA on the 15th of May, 2018, at 7:00pm
By Hannah J
It all began May 15th. I was laying under the stars wishing for a better life, wishing for something good to come. I told myself out loud that if it doesn’t get better and I don’t find a meaning to life, it was over.
I was kicked out of my house 5 days later due to no fault of my own, with just the clothes on my back, a backpack and my dog. I jumped from house to house, lived on the streets for a week. I had some friends here and they were my only family because everyone else that was my own blood had left and had no desire to talk to me.
July 15th rolled along and I had 5 letters written, I met this gorgeous girl that same day. She had a fairly big interest in me, as I had in her and that day she told me: “For me to trust you, because everyone else has hurt me so much, you’ll have to earn it”. I told myself, I was going to change this girl's life. She had a boyfriend at the time, and most of her sadness then was produced by him. We liked each other. Everyone around us knew we did, but ourselves.
She broke up with her boyfriend and 2 weeks later we started dating. I showed her what true adventures are, and how life can be even better if you choose the right people. I am alive because of her, I have been through the ugliest thing I could ever imagine and I got the best thing out of it - My girlfriend.
I live with her now, and I am going to college which I thought would never happen. I don’t flinch as often when people walk up to me, I am more sociable than I was months ago, my appetite is back, and I can finally sleep. And it’s all because she healed me, she took me by the hand from under the ground and pushed me up to the sky. She is everything I have, and everything I need. Her family has taken me in and have been there for me since the beginning.
And May 15th as I stared into the night sky, I told myself I wouldn’t be walking on this earth without a purpose. And she is My Purpose.