New York, NY, USA on the 14th of July, 2016, at 6:00pm
By Andrew N
My story begins about a month and a half earlier from 7/14/2016 on a train platform.
For some time, every morning I took the train to work with a friend. She and I would meet up, walk to the station and go our separate ways when we got to the last stop. After a while she became unhappy with her job, moved on to a new one and had to take an earlier train. Because of that, I was left to take the train by myself.
Although I missed my train buddy, I quickly got accustomed to my new solitude, reading books or playing games on my phone now kept me occupied. Little did I now, that just a few feet away from me, was a new face who seemed to appear out of nowhere.
Every morning I'd see her, watch her walk onto the train and wonder who she was and what she was doing on my train. She was quiet, but very pretty, she seemed not to notice me at first but I noticed her. As the days went on we'd catch eyes sometimes as we waited on the platform.
One morning she caught me looking at her and I saw a slight smirk as she passed by, I figured that was a good indicator and maybe a good time to try and strike up a conversation with this mystery girl.
My hopes, however, were dashed on the rocks because I didn't see her for a few mornings after that one. Then, just a few days later, I was on the train making my way back home from another day at the office. As I got comfortable for the ride, I began to wonder just where that mystery girl had gone and if I'd ever see her again. As if God himself had been listening - who sits down right next to me, but my beautiful stranger.
Nerves began to wash over me, as the time for being coy was over and I would have to muster up courage and say something witty to get her attention.
As I thought about this coincidental meeting, I began to overtly giggle to myself at first in hopes that it might stir her interest. She then looked over to me and asked with a slight smile "Are you ok?" I said yes with a returned grin and we began to talk and introductions were made.
As it turns out, she had a push from the universe to take the train that day, a small mouse had scuttled its way by her office desk and she made the choice to call it quits and go home. From then on, she and I would meet in the morning and evening and take the train from and to home.
About a month after that 7/14/2016, I would ask her out for a first date, a memorable day in itself, a first kiss and a new loving connection.
Three years later we are still together, and making our way towards marriage. 7/14/2016 is the day I chose because that's the day I had my first date with my future wife, she's unbelievably perfect for me and I thank God for every day I'm with her.
I love her very much and can only hope that there are more opportunities that the stars will tell our story.