Mansfield, OH, USA on the 21st of June, 2018, at 1:23am
By Jeny
My names Mitch, and the last few years my life have run parallel to another’s.
Filled with her being friends with my brother, mentored by my mother, and having more mutual friends than could count. Neither knowing of the others' existence outside of a name whispered with no connection so it traveled in one ear and out the other. Then our roads collided.
With my brother's wedding day lurking around the corner, I saw all his friends making their way to our home for a fire and some drinks. I know most as they arrive due to them being longtime friends of my brother's and spending time with them as I grew up. But not her, not Jenny.
I remember seeing her face, her smile as she got out of the car and it was the only thing I saw, could see, I didn’t want to see anything else. My stomach knotted while we were introduced as I am a fairly shy person at first meeting, especially when standing in front of someone I didn’t want to take my eyes off of. The chances of making a fool of myself were decently high but I truly tried my best to get her attention.
It got cold outside, so I grabbed sweatshirts for everyone, making sure she received my favorite one of course! As the night went on and the alcohol started to ‘effect’ my brother's wedding party, I needed a moment to myself. I stood up from my chair and was asked where I was going, so I told them I was walking to the dock for a bit. As I walked away from the group she followed behind asking if she could join, FINALLY!!!
We walked together, quiet and both seemingly a little uncomfortable, but it still had a sense of calm there. We got to the dock, sat down at the edge and I dipped my feet in the water. She joined beside me, and nervous as I’ve ever been the only thing I could get out of my mouth was “I love the stars”. Smiling (as I later find out in life is her beautiful default facial expression) staring up at the late night sky she simply replies “me too”.
It was the smallest answer that was full of peace. From that second on it was like I had known her my whole life! We talked about how we both hated shoes, and loved the feeling of grass and earth between our toes. About our lives and found how close we had gotten to meeting each other so many times before but how the situations we were dealing with would have never let that first time together feel the same. I fell in love with a stranger that night, under that sky. And I haven’t let go of her since.
That’s the night I met my fiancé Joon!