Knoxville, TN, USA on the 23rd of March, 2017, at 7:00pm
By Molly MC
I have had a "rough" relationship past to say the least.
Some friends of mine at work noticed I had been pretty down so they signed me up for an account on and put me out there online.
I started talking to this really nice guy names Dean. We had so much in common it was almost scary. We were both previously volunteer firefighters and were from the Midwest. We both live in Tennessee now and we stick out a bit amongst southerners. When we started talking I was actually on vacation in Florida with my sister, brother-in-law, and our combined 6 kids. To my surprise, we started talking like we had known each other for years. We laughed and giggled like high school kids. I found a side to me that I thought was gone for good. I was amazed at how easy he was to talk to and how accepting he was of all my imperfections. He was anxious for me to get home so I could meet him in person. He helped me stay awake really late on my drive home even though he had to work the next day.
That day March 23rd is the day we finally met in person and the rest is history. I was so scared that I picked a nice public park right on the river in Knoxville. I had already worked a full day and so had he and we were both tired but we walked on the walking trail and talked like we had known each other for years. We went to dinner and he was so kind and gentle and calm and easy to talk to, unlike anyone I had ever known in my life. I still swear I had dreamt about his eyes long before we actually met.
He loves my children like they are his own, as I do his. I have multiple sclerosis and this can be very unpredictable and scary for those who aren't educated about it. When I told him he explained to me he has family members with MS and he knows all about it and it didn't intimidate him in the least. We have been best friends ever since.
This Sunday makes 2 years since that amazing day and I wouldn't change a thing. He was the bright star in my gray sky and now we look at the stars together and remember all our good times.