Greenville, NC, USA on the 12th of July, 2014, at 7:00pm
By Larry P
That was the date and time of the first date I had with my wife. It was a Saturday and it was HOT! The air conditioning in my car didn't work too well, so I brought another shirt with me to change into before I went into the restaurant.
I remember watching this beautiful blonde walking up the sidewalk towards the restaurant and thinking, "She's a lot taller than I thought she was!". I met my wife on a dating app and only saw pictures of her. I knew she was about my height, but she looked taller than what she told me. We sat down and I began fanning her with my menu. Like I said, it was HOT! We had a great dinner and great conversation. After we finished eating she told me that she had to go shopping for a camera for her upcoming trip and invited me to go with her. I was so happy she did because I didn't want our time together to end. We went looking for a camera and did some other shopping before she brought me back to the restaurant.
We exchanged pleasantries but instead of kissing her goodnight, I gave her a fist bump. She looked at me in utter disbelief after I fist bumped her! We said goodnight and both went home. I later told her that I fist bumped her because I didn't want to ruin a great date by being forward and trying to kiss her. She told me that a kiss on the cheek was what she was expecting, not a fist bump! We have been married for almost 2 1/2 years now. I actually proposed to her on the 2 year anniversary of our first date at the same restaurant. And yes, it was HOT that day also.