Fort Worth, TX, USA on the 12th of July, 2016, at 6:08pm
By Andrew H
The story of 6:08 pm on July 12th, 2016 at Harris Methodist Medical Center is that my son was born that time during an emergency C-Section after my wife was in labor for almost 72 hours.
We had my son at that hospital due to him have a Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) called Hypo-Plastic Left Heart Syndrome. In layman terms, my son was born without the left side of his heart. As less the 24 hours old he underwent his first in a series of three open heart surgeries. He spent after that surgery 2 days with his chest open where my wife and I could see his heart pumping inside of his chest through a little screen tape on his chest.
From there he spent 47 days on the ventilator. During the first surgery, his diaphragm had been paralyzed. My wife and I prayed for countless hours over our son. God answered our prayers and the day that the doctors were going to permanently deflate his diaphragm, and this would cause a trachea to be placed. They did an echo on his chest and saw movement in his diaphragm and he was able to be removed from the ventilator and we were home 2 weeks later.
He had his second surgery at 3 and a half months old. We are now about to celebrate his third birthday and also are preparing for his 3rd and hopefully final surgery. This surgery will be mid to late August of 2019.
The God of this universe that created those stars that were shining down on us that day I never want to lose sight of.
The amazing picture received was in perfect condition and made my wife burst into tears.