Dublin, Ireland on the 31st of May, 2018, at 11:30pm
By Leema B.
On May 31st,2018 11 pm, I sat at the fountain while I got a message from my maybe-date confirming he was headed my way. It was the last day for him at his workplace and he had been at his going-away party which had left him quite drunk. But he came to see me anyway.
I told him I might decide to leave if I felt like it and he told me that was alright, we could meet any other day as well. But, I waited.. With the sound of the water at the fountain and looking up at the stars now and then trying to find Orion's Belt which was the only star formation I was aware of, I decided to stay to wait and meet him in person.
I had only seen a profile picture of him online but I recognised him when I spotted him walking towards me with his bouncy excited walk, that I have since become accustomed to. It was 11.30, I remember because I checked.
He was only tipsy for the 11 beers he had already drunk at his party, coz he is Irish. We went to get a beer and we talked and talked. He walked me back to my place which was 4km away after we decided to not get a taxi. All the way we talked some more and I knew I was falling for him. He was a huge nerd just like me. It was a full moon night and it was a beautiful night sky and we walked hand in hand reaching my place only around 4.30 am. He waited for me to get in the door, gentleman that he is.
I realised I really liked this guy with his funny gait and here we are a year later celebrating our one year anniversary.