Cumberland, MD 21502, USA on the 20th of June, 2018, at 2:54am
By Lisa Kristine S
In Cumberland Maryland on June 20th 2018 at 2:54 am me and my boyfriend welcomed our son Hunter Orion Booth into the world. This Under Lucky Stars poster means so much to us because he is named after the constellation Orion which is nicknamed 'The Hunter".
After 48 hrs in labor and over 4 hours pushing our baby boy came out not breathing. Luckily there were able to get him breathing. He had to stay in the NICU for the whole time we were at the hospital. Me and my boyfriend had been together for 9 years but never thought we wanted kids. When my boyfriend's dad passed away we were laying under the stars one night and decided that we were going to start to try to start a family. A month later I was pregnant with our son. Now he is almost 9 months old and is the picture of perfection. He is the light of our lives in this dark place.
I got this poster for my boyfriend and when he opened it and it brought tears to his eyes. We feel like our son is a gift from his father in heaven. My son's room is decorated in all cosmic/solar system/stars and moons. Thank you for making such an amazing memorable piece.