Corvallis, OR, USA on the 30th of October, 1999, at 8:32pm
By Laura M
This was the date that I asked my wife out.
We were both 15 years old and at a band competition. We had been flirting all day and I decided to ask her out. I tried to build the courage for hours. Then I decided that it needed to happen. We were walking around Reeser Stadium where the competition was and the moment I tried to ask nothing came out. I nervously looked down at my watch and it said 8:32 PM. Then I turned and barely got the words out will you go out with me. She looked kind of shocked and said, "Are you serious?". I said, "Well yes, I am". She smiled and said yes.
Four years later we married and we just recently celebrated our 15-year anniversary. Since that moment we have barely left each others sides. We have 4 amazing children. I am a firm believer that I found my soulmate.
When I saw this add for Under Lucky Stars I was deployed in Afghanistan and thought it was perfect. We just so happened to be video chatting when it came in the mail. I got to watch her open it and watch the tears of happiness roll down her face. She said I hit a home run and it was the perfect gift.