Commerce, TX 75428, USA on the 17th of November, 2018, at 8:30pm
By Colton M
Well our story started at an honor band performance in commerce, Texas...
I was standing in the lobby waiting for my family to exit the auditorium when Emily came up and started a conversation. I worked up the courage to ask for her phone number before her family came and took her away from me. We had a brief conversation over text that night and then didn’t talk again, as I was seeing someone else at the time.
After the current girl broke up with me, I decided to give Emily a text. We began talking and a week later I asked her out to dinner. I drove to her house and met her dad, he was a little intimidating at first but I soon melted his scary shell and he became my favorite part about the relationship.
After a couple more dates, we went to each other's prom and had a pretty mediocre time at both. Neither of us are into party music and there wasn’t anything to dance to. After the second prom, I could tell things were on the downhill. She didn’t talk as much and when we were together, she didn’t act very interested. I was going to give her the star map for our first anniversary but a couple hours before we went out to dinner, she texted me and said she wasn’t feeling well. Later that night she called me and broke up with me. She was a year younger than I and I was about to graduate so she said our priorities were too far apart.
Really sucks because I liked her a lot. I was her first boyfriend and I guess she just wasn’t ready for a relationship.