Caldwell, OH 43724, USA on the 18th of May, 2001, at 2:00pm
By Kendra K
The moment I made was my grandparents' wedding day.
My grandparents were my role models and showed me a lot about who I was and how to handle things. I always go to their house just to spend time with them. Their wedding anniversary of 18 years came up. I gave this phone case to my grandmother as a gift. These past few months have been really hard on her because my grandfather passed away 4 months ago.
This was a nice way to give her something to always keep to remind her of their special night. Which was the night she married her best friend. Since my grandfather wasn’t there to give her a gift on their anniversary, I gave her a gift in remembrance of not only my pap but her husband. It was bitter sweet but we are slowly getting through things together. She is there for me and I’m here for her no matter what. Pap will always be in our hearts even if things get tough we will know he is always watching over us.
This is my story of why I chose to buy Under Lucky Stars phone case. And now we have our lucky star in the sky named pap.