Austin, TX, USA on the 14th of June, 2017, at 7:00pm
By John H T
It was the night of our first real date!
We had been friends for about 13 years, but never actually went out on a date. She told me that if I wanted her to take me seriously, it was time I took her on a proper date. It was the first Blues on the Green in Austin, a free community outdoor concert. A fun Latin funk bad was playing so I decided to take her to that.
I prepared an assortment of items for us from homemade salads and dressing to champagne in a can, you know the fancy kind. I brought a blanket for us, ready to have our picnic first date. As the band played and the night went on, we had a great time. A random group of people at one point commented on us being a cute couple. That kind of began our whole relationship.
I bought her this Under Lucky Stars picture with date on Valentine's Day of this past year. She was overcome with emotions and said it was the most thoughtful gift she had ever received. She is worth every last bit of thought and effort to get the date and everything.
She and I are now engaged, and we plan to put this up in our new home together. We also plan to get one from our wedding night and then one for when our first child is born.