Asheville, NC, USA on the 29th of July, 2017, at 12:30pm
By Lauren W.
Asheville, July 29, 2017 at 12:30 was the day and time I met my future husband.
We were both working at the Asheville Spartan Race. He had been working there for the full week before but I had just arrived the day before the race. I was helping my boss at the volunteer tent when my now man, Chris, came up to get a meal ticket. My boss asked him if he would take me in his truck to see the course. He jumped at the chance and completely forgot about his lunch.
What was suppose to be an hour of seeing the course turned into us spending the entire day together working and most of the next day too. We have talked everyday from that point on, even though we lived in different states.
One year later, we went back and run the race together and got to spend our one year of knowing each other in the same spot that we first met.