Your Stories

We are Under Lucky Stars, we make beautiful star maps showing the alignment of the stars in a place and date chosen by you. Everyone has that special moment in their life that is worth making into a star map. We asked you to tell us about yours.

This is one of our favorites stories.

Albany, LA 70711, USA on the 19th of February, 1991, at 10:00am


A story by Amanda LeBouef at Albany, LA 70711, USA on the 19th of February, 1991, at 10:00am

I ordered my Star Map for my mother for Mother’s Day, since my previous order blew me away, and once again I was not disappointed and the gift left her and I both in tears.

My mom didn’t give me life by carrying me or giving birth to me, no she gave me life by taking in a 10 day old infant born to an addict. She then adopted me and by being so selfless and loving she GAVE me the chance to have a life!

This woman has been my rock and even during her battle with cancer, when I thought I was being strong for her, I was wrong she was the strong one, holding me and the family together.

I was only able to get a picture of the moment I gave her the map, attempting to avoid close contact because I am a nurse and could possibly transfer COVID infection to her, but the picture says it all. Many tears were shed by her and I when she saw it and realized exactly what it was, but the tears were of happiness. The map is of a heart with the title of “Legally yours day 02/19/1991”, the day that the adoption was finalized after many years of battling for it.

Under the heart has the lines:
“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I am living my mommy you’ll be”
from the children’s book written by Robert Munsch. She read this book to me, I read it to my children and have realized through the years just how true those lines are.

Stars above Albany, LA 70711, USA on the 19th of February, 1991, at 10:00am
Published on May 17, 2020, 12:41 pm

Read the rest of the stories here.


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