4545 College Rd, South Euclid, OH 44121, USA on the 24th of August, 2018, at 12:00am
By Megan W.
It was the first day of welcome week of my first year of college. We had a 2 hour meeting starting at 9am and I was reluctant to go. Band camp had finished the day before and I wanted to sleep, my roommate was the one that forced me out of bed.
However, she wasn’t in the same group/class I was so I sat in this room all by myself. Then some boy walked in and thought it was a great idea to sit next to me. Directly next to me. The only person in the classroom, and start talking. I didn’t like this person... at all. After about 20 minutes of him talking to me, something he said finally got my attention. After that we got along great and he invited me to sit with him at lunch. My roommate completely butchered that plan by making me and her fashionably late to lunch. Thankfully I was able to find him in the auditorium during the next meeting and afterwards waited for him so I could ask him to the game night some friends and I were having that later that night.
At the game night I had a panic attack and ran out. After two hours of everyone, including this boy I just met, searching campus high and low I finally texted him and told him I was okay. Something about him made me trust him. In the morning he came and got me from where I was staying and took me back to my dorm only to end up walking to target an hour later together to buy pillows.
For the next week and a half we were inseparable. My roommate was sick of him constantly in our room so we migrated to his room which he had to himself. In a short space of time he had gone from being someone I despised to becoming my best friend.
On September 3rd he became the love of my life. I’ve never met someone who understands me and cares for me as much as he does. He’s someone who makes me laugh and can make me smile even on the worst of days. Even if we don’t last forever I know he will always be my best friend and will be there always. I’m so glad my roommate dragged me out of bed that morning!