36060 Romano d'Ezzelino, Province of Vicenza, Italy on the 6th of December, 2015, at 5:30am
By Tiziana P
We had met at a friend's wedding, and instantly hit it off. We became friends despite his interest in me, but I wasn't looking for a love story, so we tiptoed around each other for more than 2 years.
Then, almost suddenly, I realized I was looking at him differently. He sensed as much, but let me set the pace of this change in our relationship. On the 5th, I was at my best friend's party, and invited him. We gravitated towards each other for the whole time, and as the party wrapped up we got to his car and stayed there talking for hours under the stars. It was at that time, after inching closer and closer, that I was hit by the weight if the possible change: 2+ years of friendship, both part of the same group of friends, what if it doesn't work out? What if I'm not ready yet? What if I/he/both screw up?
At 5:30am of the 6th of December, I took a leap of faith and kissed him. That changed everything.
Now, after more than 3 years, we live together. We are still going strong and more in love with each other each day! We both remember that night as our beginning, and remember the stars we were looking at out of the windshield. Those certainly were our lucky stars, and I wanted them hung in our bedroom, to look upon us for years to come! Best anniversary gift ever!