1st Capitol Dr, St Charles, MO 63301, USA on the 12th of May, 1978, at 3:00pm
By Torey G
I was 17 and had a new car so I decided to drive into a car wash one day.
As I pulled around to go into the wash the attendant looked into my window and I recognized him...the brother of a guy I knew. We exchanged hellos and I got my wash. The next day he called my house to ask me out. We went to a graduation party for high school seniors at his church. Fast forward a year and we were married!
After we were married he told me his story of that day. When he saw me pull into the car wash he said to the guy working with him..."You see that girl? Well, I'm going to marry her!" Call me crazy but that is sooooo romantic!
As of this year June 16th we will be married 40 years. So this chart will be his gift...Thanking my lucky stars my car was dirty!