Düsseldorf, Deutschland on the 14th of October, 2018, at 4:00pm
By Tristan GI
On the 14th of October, 2018 I met my engaged man in Dusseldorf at 4pm.
He had a food truck called *let petit paris* at the fish market. My best friend Sarah and I wanted to waste our Sunday and get out do something with the sun shinning. It was really hot for October so we chose the fish market on the river. We drank some wine and ate some fish. This was the 1st time I saw him, Tristan. He came to us and wanted to talk with us, he was really friendly and gave us wine for free ;)
After a while, Sarah and I thought that we knew him from somewhere but we couldn't remember from where. He said maybe from TV (because he was in a singing talent show) but I said no, and thought he was really arrogant! :D Then it was something like 6 p.m. and I was a little drunk and helped him and his family close up the food truck.
We helped each other and found some good vibes and connection. I fell in love and him too.
I had to say goodbye and left with Sarah. After one day I got a message from him that he couldn't remember my name but that he was in love. I gave him a cute quiz and he found out my name again :) After 2 weeks my best friend called me and said: "Rebecca! I know from where we know him, we know him from the hypnotic show in 'Movie Park' (roller coaster park) and we were sitting next to him 10 years ago!" and I was like, "No way!". But we had the DVD from 10 years ago from the exact same show ;)
So we met 10 years ago and maybe we got hypnotized so that after 10 years we would fall in love :D On new years evening in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower he put a ring on my finger, ever since then we've been engaged. And since that, I'm pregnant ... and happy! :)
So lucky that we met under lucky stars on the 14th of October at 4 p.m :) That's the story about it.